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Bacopa caroliniana flowering

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Looks good Jarrod, I have flowered the Bacopa monerii (spelling) it is very versatile, growing aquatic and will even grow in a shady spot in the garden, it grows in lawns ect. One of my favourite stem to let flower is Lindernia Americana and Lindernia sp. variegated.

Don't trim the emmeresed growth of Jarrod, it's a great nutrient export system, I had a heap of Bacopa growing out and hanging down to cover one side of the tank.

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Plenty of that in there too. I spent close to 4 hours this morning removing algae, scrubbing the driftwood, hacking back plants that were so thick with the stuff that it was easier to do that than try and remove it leaf by leaf. The poor little flower was one of the first casualties of my scissorhands trying to thin out the jungle and remove all but the reminder of the dreaded algae...

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