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Albino full platinum spawn log


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I have had these guys a week. I was water changing the guppies from the new shipment at Fishchicks last Saturday (best shipment ever someone!) there were a few females which had dropped fry. someone said I could keep these guys for my work. I mentioned I wanted to start a platinum endler line so I really need a few virgins. The parents of these are absolutely stunning. I don't have pictures sorry. They arn't yellow like many of this strain are. They were born Saturday the 25th of Febuary and are almost 1 week old.

I am giving them daily 50% water changes and feeding powdered tetramin crisps. I believe some of the fry are blind due to being albino, they struggle to find food and the last few days I have lost around 25%. I probably have 15 or so left. More than enough for a few virgins to breed with some endlers and to maintain a strain of these.

The plan for the endlers is to breed a male endler with several virgin guppies (to ensure they have endler hybrid fry). So far I haven't found anything stating how the platinum gene works. I am hoping it's a recessive gene and not multifactoral. I will cross the most endler like male with the most endler like females to breed my F1. Of these I will select the best platinum looking endler male with the plainest female, also selecting for e doer characteristics. I will maintain one albino line and one normal line. If platinum is recessive I should get 63.5% endler coloured, 12.5% endler coloured albinos, 12.5% platinum and 12.5% albino platinum.

Anyone have any thoughts?

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I know absolutely nothing about guppy genetics Matt, but I do know that some genes are sex linked, or indeed affected by which parent they were inherited from. I would think about isolating some endler female virgins at the same time and cross with male platinum albino guppies. Twice the work initially, but you should be able to cross lines in first gen. This should avoid the potential for missing out on these genes early on.

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The male endler has the most dominant colours. When you do a cross he will produce the most endler like fish. The endler colours ate very dominant and letting endler hybrids breed freely results in the later generations looking like endlers. Using female endlers results in a more random result as she doesn't have all the colour genes (I believe that is why, don't quote me) these ones are apparently easier to set the strain but don't produce fish as nice as using a male. There are many fancy endlers I have seen with longish tails and I want to avoid this at all costs, I believe using a male endler will avoid this.

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4 more fry dead tonight :( still plenty left though. Some seem to be blind and not able to find food, they are hanging around the bottom and are quite week.

I will dig out a light and add some hornwort to help with nutrient export.

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Lost the remaining 5 :( not sure what went wrong, these last 5 were growing fine.... Very annoyed and confused about this :( maybe its the chemicals mum was cleaning with that killed of most of my invertabrate collection?

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Thanks Jarrod. I still have most of my scorpions (to many if you ask some people :P) only lost some black rocks and I think an Isometroides vescus. I lost all of my stick insects, I had 1 left today and had 2 more hatch so back to 3 :) lost all my crabs, the last of my a CRS, a heap of cherries, all of my crickets, my assassin bugs, my millipede, tadpoles and I think that's everything. Got some pedes arriving tomorrow so that's good :)

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