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Colour question


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Some CT appeared in my lfs for the first time so I grabbed 3 and a nice veiltail for the kids in my marine science class and my daughter. This one was doing all the right things and looking like he wanted to be a Dad and then the female beat him up. He's still quite young and has a fair bit of growing left to do so I'm confident he will make a full recovery though I've never kept crown tails before so don't know whether the extensions ever grow back fully???. There's enough of his fins left to see the colours though. I'm wondering what colour he is? I've never seen one like it. Didn't notice the slight blue irridescence until I took the photo either. Is this a chocolate? I saw some like it called a mustard too 467844.gif


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He's basically a black-yellow bicolour. The black isn't very strong making him look more brown, or perhaps chocolate is a nicer way of referring to it. The rays might grow back crooked or they might be better than ever. But I guess more often than not damage like that will leave it's mark.

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Haha what a wuss! Beaten up by a girl.. tsk tsk :P.

He looks like he could be related to my boy:


Originally this boy had terribly damaged fins as a result of being housed in a community tank at the lfs (I saw him getting picked on by 3 angelfish and took pity on him!) but they have grown back really well :). He looks a bit tattered which I think is a result of having his fins ripped to shreds but I still think he's quite beautiful all things considered! With a bit of TLC your boy should regain his pretty fins soon too!

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They do indeed look like twins! This female is a bit 'butch'... I'm actually finding it hard to find a boy that won't take crap from her... only one so far that can handle her is this guy (and I don't really want to breed him... I just liked the look of him):


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Do you have a picture of the female? Any chance it's a plakat male? (Not meant to insult your intelligence - hands up everyone who's had that happen, lol!)

That's a good point! I haven't had it happen YET but have known plenty who have

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Seems like a nice male. I'm with Bettarazzi, a chocolate. His fins may grow back, I own a few CTs, one got beat up, his tail hasn't grown back yet, but I like it better "mid-length". Still straight edges on him, seems like a short-ish finned CT male.

Another CT got beat up too, and his fins have grown back.

Good luck. :)

Oh - Chocolate Betta's bodies are usually dark brown or black; but are sometimes dark blue or green! They have gold or yellow-orange fins. I once a had a chocolate Veil Tail, and he lived to five years old. He was completely blind and died of starvation.

A mustard gas Betta is a Betta with either a green or blue body with yellow or orange fins. They are a popular bi-colour pattern. They can be similar to chocolate Betta's.

I think yours is chocolate.

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I entertained the thought of it being a male for a bit too. It has an ovipositor, however, so decided it was in fact a female. That, and down here in Tas we never get any fancy betta in the shops. It was amazing we got crown tails. She's also got the vertical banding on the belly. The pinky veiltail above doesn't attack her either... they just court... haven't photographed the female yet... she's a stock standard lfs female.

EDIT: Best photo I could get of her tonight... my good camera gear is at work:


She's just a nice solid standard LFS female. Not really interested in breeding her with a Crowntail unless I absolutely can't get a crowntail female... I've got four females, only one like this... others a Cambodian type... one has strange white blotches on its head and a pink/purple cast across it's body:

girl110.jpg... This is the one I wanted to put with the flesh coloured VT male above. Don't know how I'm going to get CT girls down here :confused:

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Yep.. first one is female... she's done th wrap thing with one of my boys without releasing eggs and has then turned around and beat them up. She's up 3 nil now... currently undefeated... The bottom one is a male... he tried to do the wrap with the top one and copped a flogging :( Just no impressing some girls :)

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