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Chameleon Bettas


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I used to have a Betta years ago that changed colour with lighting. I wanted to post this topic to know why, and if anyone else had a Betta like this. No, I'm not insane, many of my friends and family saw this and agreed this actually, truly happened!

Here is his story - (I didn't know much about Bettas back then - I didn't even know they were called Bettas!!!

Since I loved Bubbles so much (a previous Betta), I went and brought myself a new Betta. I owned them both at the same time, but I didn't place them right next to each other, as I wasn't sure if flaring all day would stress them out (now I look back, I guess even though I didn't know much about Betta's, I still had good ideas :D ) I would let Bubbles and Emotion flare sometimes, as I just loved watching them display their colours (especially colours with Emotion, don't worry, I'll get to it). Emotion always won these 'contests'. OK, let me tell you about how Emotion got got his name and about that colour comment I just made. You properly won't believe me though... As soon as I saw Emotion in my LFS, I just loved him and had to have him. He was turquoise in colour, and after I brought him, I left the store and did a good check of him in the sunshine. Strangely enough, the Betta I was holding was red. I was positive that the fish I just brought was turquoise. Had the store guy given me the wrong fish? I walked back into the store and looked at the fish I was holding - he was aqua. I was so confused, and thought I needed glasses! Walking back out (again) he was red (now, the store guys were staring at me like I was a idiot). Shaking my head, I left and went home. In the car it was partly shady. I look at my new fish again, and he was gold! After getting home, I put him in his new home in my room. At that time it was darkish in my room. Looking at Emotion, I noticed he was blue. Getting a torch, I shined the light on him and he turned a dark green, placing my hand over half the light, where the shadow landed on him his colour changed to copper, and where the light remained stayed green. I realized then I owned the most amazing fish in the world!!! Now, if you do believe me, the next day I experimented with different lights. You may think I've already covered all the colours, but trust me - I hadn't. The reason I named him Emotion was because he seemed to change colour with different emotions, like a chameleon. Of coarse, you can clearly see that this was not true, but changed with lighting. Anyway, I named him Emotion. Emotion lived for three years, and had a good life. Stupidly, I didn't take any photos except this one. This photo shows him laying down just before he died. He did not change colour that day, and died a week later... :(


Do you believe me? Really, this is true! Amazing, and seemingly impossible, but still true!!!

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haha it does seem amazing XD For the rapid change with lights that would be the iridecence layer which is very complex and id have to do more research before quoting anything about it haha ! he could also have been metalic or copper which would reflect light differently as well

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