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Bubble coach for hire!


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Hi all,

Came home today after a hard day of shopping (OMG ... no fish :o ), and what do I see in one of my tanks? Check this out for the mother of all bubble nests (it is so big and robust I thought it must have been a detergent spill of some sort)



Hmmm ... is that the busy fella in the far background I hear you ask, the flash of blue? NO! Check it out :betta:



Meet Agro ... He was moved to his new home yesterday after he started bullying his mates :angry: . Who new he was frisky?

Anyway, I'm willing to hire him out to anyone who needs a tutor for their lackluster male bettas, Surely that work of art would inspire and motivate the most lack luster boy to start building a nest :lol:



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That's an amazing Bubblenest! I'm still trying to get my two male CT to blow, so I can spawn...

Can I have your fish?? :please: Nah, just kidding. Maybe you should breed, I'm sure he'll me a great daddy! :fish:

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I wonder what would happen if you took the Gourami out and put a reluctant-to-bubblenest Betta male in there. Would he tend the nest? Destroy it? Breed and place eggs in it?

Either way, wow! Mr Gourami has a lot of time on his.. fins? :D

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My guess is that you have no current in that tank or at least the top layer? Lol.

Actually, that tank has quite a large internal aqua one as it needs to circulate the 'heated' water around several inner tanks ... but he has found a nice protected spot on the far side between one of the inner tanks and the outer tanks. He is still going hard at it! One of the big red bettas I have in that tank is going crazy watching him as he does this weird zig zag thing up and down past his tank before making another bubble (he's jealous, I'm sure of it). ;)

I was thinking today about the idea of using him to build a bubble nest in the breed tank later if my boys didn't come to the party, so it is nice to know that this could possibly work. I have had a good look at the nest and he is using plant foliage in it to make it stronger (smart fish :yes: ). The gourami appear to have a lot in common with the bettas, and their breeding mannerisms are very similar.

Agro may have found his sole reason for living... if he cant get on with the rest of his tank mates and look pretty in the big tank, maybe he will earn his keep building their nests for them ... :blink:


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