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What to do?


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A mystery illness struck down my 2ft tank, killed everything in it (two betta, white clouds, cories) except for a few guppies. I have no idea what it was that killed them, no idea if it was even bacterial or parasites but I'm leaning towards bacterial. The cycle didn't crash. Nitrates are controlled via regular water changes. pH is fine, etc.

Because I have no idea what it was, I decided to euth the guppies because I don't know if they're carrying it, how to treat it and if they could spread it and I'd rather not risk other fish for mutt guppies. (Sorry guppy fans.)

However, this leaves me with an empty 2ft tank. Lots of driftwood, whatever plants survived the treatment I threw at them (medicinal doages of salt, triple sulpha) and I don't know what to do with it. I figure I could boil the driftwood and then it should be safe, right? But then I don't know what to do about the plants. I've mostly only got sword plants left, most of the stem plants died off. The substrate I plan on dumping anyway because I want to switch to something better for plants.

The filter media I'll dump out, but how to I make the filter safe? Really hot water and scrub? Leave it out in the sun? Put a circle of salt around it, 1 drop of babies blood and chant in a made up language?

Sorry for all the questions. This is my first 'disaster'. I'm just relieved I managed to keep it confined to just that one tank.

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No need to too much of that. Grab yourself some Condy's Crystals & use that as disinfectant on everything - google with impart of lot of wonderful knowledge on the good 'ol condy's Potassium Permanganate

Also, I would be using bleach - most ppl are terrified of it, but I have to use it often & very, very strong to re-charge my Purigen filter media & it's not as scary as most would have you believe providing you rinse well & there is no remaining smell of the chlorine. Dipping plants in Condy's or diluted bleach is reasonably safe for things like anubias, swords, java fern/moss etc.

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I agree with Di (except I was unaware most people were terrified of bleach... :P - what a debilitating condition! ). See if you can get hydrogen peroxide instead of bleach, I understand it's not got the slimy residue bleach can have you rinsing for 57 minutes :bighug: . But otherwise bleach is ok. I used to sterilise my baby's bottles with it. If you search AAQ for 'bleach' I am sure you'll find heaps of useful info.

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I'm all for hydrogen peroxide. Great disinfectant, brilliant on wounds too (as long as it's diluted correctly). I've had to use it a few times to shift stubborn wound infections and it's always worked within a day or two. You can get it from your pharmacy, but keep in mind when looking at the price that you dilute it pretty well so it does last a while !

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I found a great site with info on this ... but it is saved on my comp at home and I am at work. It reconmends using vinegar and bleach and gives the correct ratio etc. It also has scientific reasons why to use both, and what it will kill by using them combined. When I get home tonight I will post it here. I have used it and no problems with the fish...

Here is the link


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