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So, about a week ago I did a bit of a tank shuffle (altering one of my tanks around) and two of my boys were put in a share tank, with a plastic divider between them. The next day when I got home from work, my blue boy was in the SAME side as the marble boy. The poor marble boy was hiding under his sponge filter and the blue boy had absolutly shredded his fins. I felt so bad that my partition had failed I spent half the night fixing a proper glass partition for them, putting both into a jar for two days while the silicone dried. All went well for a few days...

So when I fed the fish tonight they were fine, each in there now 'secure' sides. I went about doing the normal evening chores and just sat sit down to relax and what do I see ... BOTH fish have swapped sides!!!!!!!! AAAAGGHHHHHH!!!!! They are doing it to mess with my mind. They have a cover over the entire tank, but not between them. They must have BOTH jumped (fortunatly the marble fish looks fine and is not looking scared or hiding like last time). Now I have to find something to cover the individual sides .... :)

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Hahahaha, at least they make your life interesting right? How big is the gap between the divider and the lid? If it's big they have every chance to jump through. I had a friend whose fish jumped through a gap of less than 1cm and she's still wondering how he did it.

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Does the water level reach the top of the divider? If so, lowering the water level woud be the first step. If not, then lowering the water level may still work. If this makes the water level too low overall in the tank, then you could try create a "lip" that sits over the top of the divider to make it more difficult to jump over.

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That would be so funny to have had happen, you would think your going mad! hehe. Not funny for the poor marble boy though :)

Maybe add an extra bit to the top of the divider and get a higher one if you dont want to change the water level

Goodluck with it :)

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I lowered the water level and placed a piece of glass on top of the divider ... lets see the slippery little suckers get through that! I can't wait to finish my big tank ... it will hold six male bettas and a harem of gals

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