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I found a baby!


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Hello everyone!

For those of you that have been reading my current topics will know that my male platy is being treated for culminaris - he seems to be doing real though which is great :(

Well my female platy has gained a little weight since i first got her(she was about the size of the male when i got her) her stomach is a lot more "plump" so i thought she might be pregnant but no babies and then i read platys have a 30 day gestation period so i would just wait.

About a week ago i thought i saw a tiny baby fishy in the bottom of my tank but then when i went to take a closer look there was nothing there so i thought it must have been a bit of plant or something. Anywaysss today i looked in my tank and hiding in the java moss a baby! probly 8mm long and soo cute the body looks a clear colour with black flecks at the moment. I am so excited!! :(

My question is how do i feed it?? It has survived till this point so i guess it must be eating something? Maybe some flakes that have fallen in there or the moss? Is there anything specific i should do? I hope he/she stays well hidden from the bigger inhabitants of the tank! i have lots of hiding space and the little guy has done well till now so fingers crossed! :)



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Hey Neffy :(

I did consider that but only for a split second but my tank would have to have everything totally removed rooted plants pulled out (i have quite a few plants in there lol) and the poor little guy would probly get stressed or hurt in the process so im thinking the best option would be to leave him in there - i mean he has done well so far fingers crossed a couple more weeks and he will be big enough they wont see him as food! Does anyone know how quick platys grow?


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