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Flowering Utricularia gibba

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Hi Mike, nice pics, thanks. They do indeed remind me of the (somewhat larger) snap-dragons that my grandmother used to grow. I notice from your pics that duckweed cannot compete with azolla or bladderwort in this environ. What else lurks in there? Couldn't help but notice that your carnivorous Utricularia Gibba is of the (rather rare) bird eating species. (feather above your pinkie)


Edited by Brad
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Rob - It grows everywhere, often Pisces or Aquagreen plants will have a few threads of it on them. It then multiplies like nothing else! Barring anyone having a bit spare, I can of course send you some, but someone you know is bound to be trying to get rid of it.

Lisa - :) Sorry I gave you that lot that time w out being explicit about its carnivorous nature

Brad - It eats everything, duckweed, birds, bats... :) In one tub there is just utric w a few pieces of duckweed on top, and in the other, there is a thick mat of utric covered by a dense layer of Azolla. I think that quite a nice combo. The utric seems to love it when the water level is so low that the mat is almost resting on the bottom. I throw in a little fertiliser, that seems to help produce flowers.

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