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I saw some very pretty tiny little fish at a lfs yesterday. They were about 12mm long fully formed shiny fish with blue on the body and red fins. I assume they will grow, but was wondering how much. Does anybody keep these?

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I used to breed these rainbows and must say they are the trickiest one I have kept (out of 12-14 species so far).As far as size goes I would have to say 5cm would be a good size.Ive never had one anywhere near 8 cm but I found I had trouble keeping them alive for more than 1 year and never got a really deep bodied male you sometimes see photographed.Fortunately they are very prolific and as soon as I would sell the contents of a 4 ft tank Id have another 50 fry appear.They are gorgeous esp enmass but quite disease prone

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Guys! I decided against adding to my tanks for the time beeing. Actually by the time I got back they were gone so the decision was made for me! Quite glad I did now I've read your reply Killiguy, I'm not up for that sort of challenge right now.

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