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Calico Bristlenose have more babies!


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I bought a ceramic log from the LFS, it's sold as "large" but to me it doesn't seem that large. It also doesn't seem to be completely solid at the back, there are a few holes that let the light in so I think maybe that's why the BN's don't like it. They're in a 3.4ft tank that holds around 180L with a 300l/h filter and 300W heater set to 29 degrees in it. At the moment the BN's are the only fish in there, other than a clown loach. All the cories died as did the bumblebee goby's and butterfly rams (some time ago). I have to admit I haven't been great about tank maintinence lately, but I just cleaned out the filter and as much hair algae as I could over the weekend and topped up the water in the tank as it had been evaperating. There's a gross green film on the surface from the darn duckweed that doesn't want to go away but i've been scooping that off once a day, along with as much duckweed as I can in the hopes to get rid of it.

I don't know what else I can offer them to entice them to breed. I feed them algae pellets and blood worm, also the occasional zuccini.

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Cassi I'd probably drop the temp in the tank down a few degrees over a period of a week to start with.

Cover the holes in the end of the log with rocks or gravel or something like that. I find that if the opening of the 'log' is too big they don't like it as much - something to do with being able to block the entrance to anything that will try to get to their eggs / fry. The logs I use for bn's have an opening of about 25mm - 30mm I have one larger but they never use it for breeding - just for hiding out. As they get bigger they may find the larger log more to their liking.

See if you can get the filter to give a gentle water flow near the log and make sure you have good levels of oxygen in the tank - at night time plants and algae take in oxygen and give out CO2 so make sure they aren't too over run with algae and plants or give them an air stone or something to oxygenate a bit more at night. Not sure if their liking water flow has anything to do with getting good oxygen but it makes sense if that's what works.

I want to get a cave or make one (if I can get clay and a kiln) similar to this one to see if they like it.

Doesn't sound like you have probs with their food - the algae will be food for them and the wafers and blood worms will be eaten pretty well by them too (they pig out on blood worms). The only other thing you can do is perhaps serenade them in the evenings, give them a drop or two of champagne and maybe some caviar?

LOL... all jokes aside.... try lower temps and give them a really secure log and see what happens....

Does the male hang out in the log all the time yet? If he does that's a good sign things will happen eventually... as soon as the female gets the idea he's got a nest sorted out that is...

Hope that helps a bit and gets you some bn babies!

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i have that cave. so far nobody likes it, but i have seen lots of ppl breeding with them.

Peppermints arent happy enough to breed yet. Grr. They are healthy, but i think my levels are not perfect, they are very fussy fish!

I also have a trio of longfin albino bn. STUNNING. They are big adults and have massive flowing finnage. Very pretty

got them a wk or so ago. Dad is in the cave but i havent been checking on him much.


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The male doesn't hang out in the cave at all!! GAH! I don't think he realises it's there. I've put it so the end with the small holes is in amongst the amazon swords and the opening for them to go in is just out of it. I've found the clown loach in there a few times and shaken him out. I'll move the cave to face the lava rock they all live under I think and maybe someone will get the idea to go inside. I'll drop the temp a little and add an air stone, don't think I can get the filter to run water across the cave but it has a fairly strong current in that tank anyway so wherever they are they'd have a small amount of the current washing over them...it plays havoc with the blood worms when I add the block, the end up all over the tank..although that does mean the BN have to go on a seeking mission to find them all and I get to see them.

PS my BN are fully grown! the commons are 15cm roughly and the peppermint is around 12-13cm so they're not gonna get any bigger! well I hope they're not lol and as I said before I know that the male and female I have, have bred before as I bought them with their fry.

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If they are that big Cassi do they have enough room for the female to get inside and turn round? Didn't realise they were fully grown bn's. It's a case of the three bears - they leave the caves that are too big or too small and go for one that is just right!

Failing the cave that's there - try putting in a 20cm length of 2" pvc pipe (if you know anyone with an offcut) and block one end with a plastic cap off a pressure can. See if that will entice the male to take up residence.

Forgot to ask ... is the pep male in the same tank? Both males may be too intent on avoiding or battling each other rather than letting the pair get on with things....

Edited by fishbites
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I hadn't seen your response to my post Wayne, will answer now. Yes the peppermint is in the same tank but they don't battle. Both males actually lived under the same section of lava rock for quite a while with no issues at all. They like each other :cheer:

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