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Oscar attacked by crab


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I had an Oscar called filmore and he seemed quite happy in his tank.....until this morning.

he was looking up for food but spat his food out again. I didn't understand why

The next thing I know he is on the tank floor being attacked by my stupid brown back crab :)

''crabs are fine with gold fish and tropical fish'' what a load of crap the pet shop tells us.

My brother's crab attacked one of his goldfish, but at least THAT fish is alive. Mine is GONE :)

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Perhaps people who put crabs in with fish are evil!?!?

Seriously...perhaps your Oscar was sick and the crab took an opportunity to do his thing....scavenge

I don't think a crab could kill a healthy Oscar???

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Yeah ok ur right. He didn't seem to be sick though. Yesterday I did a waterchange and I know he doesn't like me doing those, so he sulks and stays near the bottom of the tank.

The crabs will be going soon and I will NEVER make that stupid mistake again

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