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The Girls

Bren MacFish

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They were a spur of the moment purchase because the shop they were in had only cts and vts and these were showing a little crowning on the tail. But when I checked photos of ct females I realised their anals were too flat. I've only recently found photos of vt females and plakat females and figured out that these might be plakats. I don't need plakats. I wonder if anyone else in Melbourne needs them before they get too old.

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Hmmmm... I dunno, I think they'd be a match for any boy fish, and I don't really need plakats. You could have them for free. I've got the room for them but they are difficult because they have to be housed in a large tank of aggressive girls or separately like males. They're pretty amusing because they're always nipping my fingers or attacking drips on top of the tank and making a raquet when they hit the glass. They're about 6 months old now and still fattening up and barring up. How long do females stay fertile?

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