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Cleaning Lava Rock


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Ok, I've got 2 large lava rocks that need a decent clean. They have algae and weird fungus things all over them and I don't want to transfer this to the tanks once they're all moved so can I soak the lava rock in a weak 1:3 bleach solution over night then rinse them thoroughly the next day? or because it's lava rock and porous will it soak up the bleach and leach it back into the tank once submersed again? I really don't want to upset Logan any more than I already have so having the rocks leaching even the slightest bit of bleach into his tank might send him into shock he can't recover from...and not to mention make him sick!

Thanks in advance for any replies

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Yes you can use bleach, but rinse, rinse rinse, and dry it out in the sun for a few days before it even goes near a tank.

There are lots of nooks and crannies and it is quite porous as you said, so the rinsing and drying is going to be important. You could even soak it for a while in dechlorinator before you sun dry it if you wanted to try and do it quickly.

1:3 isn't really that weak either :) tis rather potent for fishy stuff. I generally use 1:20 and just soak longer as it seems easier to wash off at lower concentrations.

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Thanks Callatya, I'll do that then. I wasn't planning on measuring out the bleach just putting a splurp into a bucket filled with water. I'll make sure I sun dry them. My new place gets excellent morning sun so shouldn't be a problem drying them.

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