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Lest We Forget 1915-2008

What an early start we had, My husband Michael had to attend a Dawn Service at Mossman so we decided to go with him, so it was a 3.30am start for a 5:30am Dawn Service. Even though the kids are still to young to fully understand they were little angels, the Dawn service was great 17 of the crew turned up for the service which is really good considering there is only 20 to a crew. The Exservice men and woman always put on a great Breakfast and I just love listening to there stories they are quiet a bunch of characters and they just adore the kids.

After Mossman the crew was asked to March at Port Douglas with a few hours to fill in before they Marched at 10am the beer's started flowing. Both services were well attended and the kids just got a kick out of watching their Dad marching in his ceremonials(uniform) he had also attended their School Anzac Parade the Day before and they just loved showing him off to their friends.

Once we got back to Cairns we dropped Michael off at the RSL were he caught up with more Diggers, played some two up and caught up with his mates. The kids and I went home and slept untill he rang to be picked up.

Needless to say this morning he is still in bed recovering while I'm up with the kids :D

It's only once a year. :D It does make you think about how lucky we are and that you actual got a choice about joining the forces these day and I'm extremely grateful that Michael has no interest in being on the War Ships and just works on the Armidale Patrol boats dont get me wrong its still a dangerous job but not as life risking as the War Ships going overseas.

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