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cycling new tank?


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hi all i have a new tank that has a built-in under gravel filter and i was wondering if some one can give me a step by step on how to cycle it so i can put my fry in it

also i want to re-spawn my blue dragon pair and i wanted to know if i do can i put the fry with my other fry in the same tank?

my fry i have now are 17 days old, i figure if i get fry from the blue pair ill keep them in the spawn tank for a few weeks until there bigger then put them in with the other fry

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This guy can: First Tank Guide

If you already have healthy tanks running, borrow as much water as you can and some of the filter matter from there to get the good bacteria and happy buggies happening. :D

All going well, the size of the fry should be too different by then to be put together. Too many of the new ones will become snacks for the older ones and they'll have different food requirements.

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i dont have any filtered tanks going

but do you think i could fill my new tank with old water from my non filtered tanks and put one male in there?

if yes how many days until i can transfer my fry in there?

oh and its only 25litres

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it would probably take a couple of weeks but if you had a test kit and tested everyday you'd be able to tell when the ammonia and nitrite levels are low enough...you can also add something like "Cycle" or "Bio Boost" or something along those lines to try and speed the process up.

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25 litres is a fairly good size.

Yeah use the old water from you non-cycled tanks first to introduce some fishy waste to the sponge and jump start the whole process. You're trying to grow some good bacteria in the sponge that can convert this kind of waste. Give it a couple of days to settle then add your adult to keep the process going. It's going to take a few weeks to get it stable enough for fry.

Some duckweed, val or other fast growing plants in little jars/pots, will help stabilise the tank faster (undergravel filter means you can't plant into the gravel).

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ok thanks alot for that guys

back on subject about the fry, the ones i have now are 19days old if i spawn another pair is there anytime that they can be put together?

cause i really want to spawn my dragon pair but dont have alot of room and tanks

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oh thanks for the links lilli, i dont know how i missed them

can you help with my other question by any chance?

about the fry, the ones i have now are 19days old if i spawn another pair is there anytime that they can be put together?

cause i really want to spawn my dragon pair but dont have alot of room and tanks

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Maybe when all are juveniles, but an almost 3-week headstart I'd say the existing spawn are pretty likely to eat or attack the following spawn unless and until all are about the same size, wby which time you'd be looking at jarring the first lot anyway.

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i have my 25litre resun tank setup and i was going to put one of my males in there to start cycling the undergravel filter but as some of you know i only have 2 males left and they arnt doing well so i dont want to use them to cycle the tank

i want to put my fry in that tank and when they get a little bigger use the filter so besides cycling it with another fish before i put my fry in there or using something like "Cycle" or "Bio Boost'' can i fill the tank up to the top and when they get bigger turn the filter on for a few hours a day? will this eventually cycle the tank or will it kill the fry

another question while im here my fry are 4 weeks old (1cm long) should i fill it up to the top which is 30cm high?

or keep them in the 10litre tank?

sorry for all the questions but the fry are pretty much all i have left and i want to look after them the best i can

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once you turn a filter on you shouldn't turn it off so turn it on and leave it on otherwise all the beneficial bacteria will die before it gets a chance to establish and work (if you have a power outtage for more than 15-20 minutes you need to remove and clean any filters and then recycle the tanks because with the filter off the good bacteria will die and become toxic to the fish)

What I'd do is put the fry into the bigger tank, turn on the filter but just keep the water level lower (not filled up to the full 30cm or whatever it is)

then every few days do a partial water change and add a little bit more on top of that to bring the level up as they get bigger. The tank will eventually cycle that way and you're removing some of the ammonia with the WCs while still feeding the bacteria and allowing them to colonise.

Hope that is understandable... I'm a bit incoherrent atm.

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thanks y2jdaze that helps alot i will do that but the only problem is that i cant have the water level low and have the filter turned on cause its a under gravel filter and the filter is on the top of the tank so if it has a low water level when the the water comes back out of the filter it will splash water every where

so would this work

have the water level around half way and not have the filter on and then when they grow raise the water level and when its filled to the top turn on the filter and then do what you said by doing partial water changes

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