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Threadfin Rainbowfish

Robbies Betta

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Iriatherina werneri "Threadfin Rainbowfish"

hey guys

I found these natives on the net and was wondering if I could fit them in a 2ft tank.

They need a group of bout 5 and grow from 1-2 inches long. I just love the look of them, and would like some natives, now I'm kinda over all the "exotics" :lol:<_<

the tank has plenty of plants, will have 2 baby BN, a cory, and bout 4 smallish snails. I got 3 Black Widows in at the mo, but I'll have to get rid of them eventually. I also have another tank that is slightly deeper and wider than a standard 2ft (one of those jebo all in one unit things, Have no idea what brand it is tho) so would that be better? cause I want to use it. I've had it for bout 2 years and haven't set it up yet :dontknow: I'm gonna try and plant the tank pretty heavily, but leave some open spaces, don't know bout drifwood or rocks yet, maybe, maybe not

also, what other fish would be good to have with them? other small natives perhaps? remembering that I'm gonna have the 2 BN, and will possibly get rid of the Cory, but deff gonna get rid of the BW's unless my parents let me set up a second fish tank. was also thinking maybe some small shrimp

cheers and thanx for the ideas

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Yeah both those tanks should be fine Robbie... keep threadfins with similar sized fish and temperament. I want to set up a 2FT tank with these guys... I want to get some spotted blue-eyes to go with the threadfin... very nice fish. I also think with natives its best to stick with larger schools of one or two species then have different kinds as it starts to make the tank look a little... hmm what’s the word i’m looking for... tacky? .. Unrealistic might be the better word.

Look around at setups... the better ones look raw and natural. I think some rocks and driftwood would might it look even better! they also love well planted tanks! :dontknow:

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Here are a couple of videos of some native tanks setups for some ideas!... I think these setups are awesome... with larger setups you can throw more kinds of natives in without making the tank look 'setup'.

I think this tank is well balanced! not planted to much to hide the fish. Although the tank in the second video i like a bit better

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heres a pic of daves i got of the angfa forums, http://upload8.postimage.org/232579/photo_hosting.html these are the Ankabadbiri variety. Send Dave an email and get him to send you a catalogue, has photos of plants and fish he doesnt have on his website. I believe that most of the photos on Adrian Tapin's website are congurent with the varieties that dave keeps too http://members.optushome.com.au/chelmon/Cyano.htm

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