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tails bitten


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in the last week 3 of my 7 males has bitten there tails and im dissapointed because they looked so nice with full tails

is there anyway i can get them to stop ?

i only really let them see each other once a week, if they saw each other regularly will this make them less bored and stop

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Since seeing your barracks design with the lights this maybe a cause:

Bettas kept in very strong artificial or natural light for prolonged periods of time may also react by biting their tails, and I believe they do it out of a similar reaction to being shipped: stress, blindness, and confusion. A betta's eyes are designed to see certain spectrums of color and movement in a very subtly-lit environment. Bright light makes them feel exposed and increases stress

If you keep the lights on for an extended period of time this could stress your fish which can result in tail biting. Another factor could be the spectrum of your light which is also stressful for your fish.

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