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Split Fins


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G.day Jess

melafix can't hurt it will help

as far as why it's hard to say what caused it, is he in a tank by himself or a community tank or do you have plastic plants in his tank they can be bad for the fins you should have silk or even better live plants

someone else may have a better idea


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he may have torn his fins on something inside the tank... either that or he's been flaring at something and taken a chew of his tail and not let go. or he may just be a chewer... just add some melafix and maybe a little salt to the water. it'll heal in time.

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aquarium salt that is lol... or pure sea salt.

malafix wont be a problem, just make sure you continue the full course.

alot of these guys split their fins, could be like the others wrote, flaring at something, chewing, plastics or sharps in the tank.

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