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Summer Plans...


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Last summer, I threw some mixed guppies into a drum and let them populate it over the summer.  It was a great little experiment and was very successful.  This year, I am going to refine it slightly.  I have some hybrids that I created with Opal Endler M x Redgrass Guppy.  I have set the pattern and very happy with the results after 5 generations.  I almost lost the lot recently due to neglect and it looked like I had lost the lot with the only survivors being 6 males.  Thankfully, I found a single fry in the tank and have raised it to a point it can be sexed....A FEMALE!!!  The plan is to continue raising her to a breedable size and put her with my best male to restart the population and raise them in an outdoor tub.

I also have decided to do a second tub of a slightly more fancy single strain guppy or endler (anyone got any Medusa Roundtails?).  Let's see what I decide.

Here is a pic of my hybrids I am calling Opalgrass Scissortail Guppies...







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Hmmm...  Seems I still had a few of the mixed mutt guppies in the outdoor drum that I missed.  Went outside this afternoon to scrub out the drum and set up for new guppy spawns and was greeted by a few adults and about 40 babies...lol, oh well - looks like they have just established a summer spot to grow out...lol


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