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Our Bettas


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Thought I'd share some pics of our Bettas. :)

Batman, our Black Orchid CT


Robin, CT, not sure on his colour? Think he's a tri-colour?


Jonesy, 4months old, dad is Robin & Ariel (died early july)


Edited by JayM
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Hi Paul

Thanks for that. Got Batman & Robin from local pet store. Have just ordered some CT females & a CT pair off someone. :D Can't wait to get them.

This was our first spawn & going to try again in September. Going to see how Batman & one of someone's females go.

Interesting you say they're all female. Jonesy we had to move to another tank as he was flaring, nipping & chasing the others. His tail is longer now & he has the beard. Sparrow & Runt have the beards & another one too. I know females can flare also but the one's we think are male are more aggressive. Guess time will tell.

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