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Betta - male or female, this one?

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Should I be worried..? He's been in there for 2-3 weeks already, no problems so far. The older female in my tank seem to be more territorial towards the young female, she seems to ignore this male one for the most part.

Actually I think he's been in there for maybe a month.

Will you guys change your mind if I posted a clearer photo?

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Go for the clearer photo if you like (you're "bad" photos are actually pretty good Mr. Photographer but your good ones are amazing!)

He could just be a late sprouter. Also sometimes, rarely, these tanks work, you may have gotten lucky with the personality of the fish.

That said, in the first week of September, I got my friend a male CT for her tank. She then added 2 females only days later, and eventually had 4 females and a male in there, living in apparent harmony. This Friday, the females beat him to death. Pretty sad - sorry for the horror story.

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Thank you Sarah, I spend way too much money on cameras.

I don't really know what to do with this little guy. They all seem to get along so far but like you said, it could turn ugly for no reason. It wouldn't turn out that I'd wake up one day to find hundreds little bettas swimming around would I?

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Well, the possibility is there, so you can't outrule it. I had a LFS who bred bettas, and kept the male in with two females until one of the girls spawned.

Have you read the article on Betty Splendens about father with fry? From memory, the dad bred with the most dominant female from the spawn at one point.

So it does happen, but I would find it highly unlikely. I personally would separate him. Even if that means sticking him in one of those breeder net things until a better option is available.

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Sorry with the bubble bursting.

But odds on he'll sprout eventually and get agro.

I've had naughty jumpers get out with my Girls Gangsta Paradise sorority and cruise around there with the dominant females telling him what to do

(You know how some guys just want that?)

Anyways, not sure how you feel treading through fields of landmines, but I'd steer clear, don't freak out - but start making pans to bag 'im and move 'im.

You may need your very first MALE BETTA TANK?


I have 13 tanks in my shed from 9-150 lt if you want to come buy and take one? (Northcote)


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