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Article on inspiring fish rooms

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I feel embarrassed to admit I have some pictures of some of those set-ups already saved to my computer to serve as inspiration for my own fish room. I also really like Basementbettas set-up and would love to have a go at setting up a few custom barracks.

My fish room always looks out of control most of the time (I tend to clean it up before people come over to pick-up fish!). I think I am the only person on this forum to have an empty 4ft coffee table in my bedroom haha.

However, thank God my bedroom doesn't look like this anymore:




Looking at how it used to be gives me nightmares.

Then there was a video from when it looked like this:


I will have to get some updated shots to show you how it looks now. Certainly not as bad as it did.

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I had to convert my workshop!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have 2 tanks in the lounge room and thats about to become 1 tank. Busman if you have tanks in 4 rooms consider yourself blessed lol.

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