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Best live food for betta and fry?

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Hi guys,

I know this topic had been discussed 1000 times before, but i would love to ask again! :D :D

What is the best live food for betta? and what is the best live food for small fry?

Which culture is the most easiest to maintenance?

The only live food I got at home is BBS, which is way too small for the adult betta...


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Hi LaiTC

For fry I use liquid fry ether Wardleys liquid fry food or make up my own from egg yolk, Microw worms, BBS, For older fry and adults I use grindel worms, Black Worms, mosquito lava, and pin head crickets when available all you can keep going at home except for the Wardley which you have to buy. There are plenty of threads for these on this forum . Good luck



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