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Updated Black Orchid CT


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Excuse reflection but this is the only shots that I got all three together.

One in front of shot now looks almost red. This was the girl I last posted about.

Girl at back is now completely white in the body with black fins.

Also normal girl in shots as well. :-)



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WOW Paul

I love the look of the skin girl with black fins thats a nice contrast. Whats the relationship with the red (orange) girl Sibs? and what are your plans for them?



PS By the way that tank is looking good any full shots?

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Thanks Les. All three are sisters. Not sure about the red one, very surprised with this fish. The white one with black fins will continue to change, give it a week or two and fins will cello out.

I noticed that the red one went completely cello then slowly got a red/orange tinge about her, starting above the head that just keeps getting deeper in color with time. All these girls are in community tank so I have no plans to breed these girls.

Might take one or both to next BA (Betta Australis) meeting for the table show.

Tank totally overgrown ATM and needs a thin out. :-)

For Les.


Ps.....thanks for the comment, lots of views but no comments. Lol. Find it very strange regarding the red fish. All boys that cello'd out died slowly, not long after the change. Girls just power on. Would love to know why.





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Hey Paul

Its real strange that only the boys where effected. It would be intresting to see if these girls breed wether there sons have the same thing happen. I like the look of orange and Cello maby if you take her to the next meet we can have close up pics of her and her form/ PLEEESE



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