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LED fluoro tubes


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Has anyone tried using these?


I'm considering giving them a go in one of my tanks, and just wondering if anyone else has tried them and has any thoughts before I give it a shot.

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I haven't personally used them but we had a rep bring some into the shop and we tried them on a few tanks, fantastically bright, even when compared to a less than a month old T8. They do produce the ripple effect and if you're not used to this, it can give you headaches apparently - I never got that but a few staff said it was uncomfortable to look at. You do get used to it.

I would use them as an alternative to T8 if I had the need.

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It seems that they're good for plants based on what I've seen, you can get the led lights in particular colour spectrums (warm white, pure white, cool white, red etc) and the pure white seems to be the correct colour temp for plant growth. And I've come across a few forum postings where people have used other varieties of led lights (flood lights or lamps) with amazing results using pure white (which is between 4000 & 6000K colour temp).

But that's why I'm asking around to see if other people have personal experience using them, get as many peoples experiences as possible.

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I don't think you'll grow anything too complicated under an 8w LED, but the floodlights are great. I use 2 (30w each) and a twin T5 over my 4 x 18 x 2 and there isn't much I can't grow. I'd be going for 50w+ if you want a carpet or proper foreground plant though.

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