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*sigh* I made the mistake of looking at some snakeskin guppies at the lfs and now I have another to add to the long list of fish I want to get one day. (they were very pretty!!)

Just wondered if they are schooling fish and if there is a certain number you have to get for them to be happy? Could I just get males?

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It seems standard to keep 1 male with 2 females, which helps the females not get overly harrased.

Getting just males is fine as well there was a thread about it here http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=11911

I have 5 guppy boys together with no females but other fish and they seem happy!

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Hi Dragon, best ratio for male to female is 1 male to 3 female (1 to 2 is MINIMUM as guys really are relentless and females can literally die of exhaustion). Keeping a male only tank is no problem at all. As long as there are no females in sight they will all get along just fine. I currently have 9 in my tank with no problems and am on the look out for more. Like I said...no girls, no fights. They will chase each other and show off but I have never had any damage of any kind. They wont school as such but are happy to swim around with other school fish, break away, make their own small groups, rejoin the gang and explore alone. They are really placid natured, always on the go, really colourful and great to watch. They are mad for peas and not averse to having a go at the zuchini and pumpkin I put in the tank for my BN either!!

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