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Stocking Suggestions Please!


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I'm planning to get a 4ft X 1.5ft X 1.5ft tank just after Christmas, and i thought I'd use the time to get some stocking suggestions!

I currently have an 80 litre tank. In there are:

12 x Lemon Tetra

1 x Blue Tetra

3 x Clown Loaches

1 x Bristlenose


2 x Amazon Swords (30cm Tall)

My ideas so far for the new community are:

12 x Lemon Tetra

6 x Clown Loach

1 x BN Catfish

3 x Zebra Loach

8 x Angel Fish


6 x Amazon Swords

4 x Java Fern (plugs)

In my opinion these guys should all be fine together, provided their individual dietary & environmental needs are met. If anyone out there has any ideas or comments, please post! Any advice is appreciated :D

The 'old' tank :)DSCF2719.jpg

Edited by Sophie
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Could turn out to be a nice tank....

only one comment though.... watch out for the angel fish.... they are cichlids and if a pair is formed and they decide to spawn they can get downright savage and will bail up all the other fish even to the point of killing them if necessary.... start off with smaller angel fish and you'll be fine for quite a while until they reach breeding maturity.... then you can sell them off and get smaller ones again....

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Sounds alright to me, I agree with what fishbites said about the angles.. I believe theyre very wrongly named :P

Also just remember how big clown loaches get.. I dont think Id recommend them.. Im also extremely surprised to see 3 in that tiny tank you have there.. Here's some reading on clown loaches- http://www.loaches.com/species-index/clown-loach-chromobotia-macracanthus and I do hope you reconsider them..

Edited by delyall
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Thanks for the tips,

re. Angel fish, yes i would be starting off with small ones, and i might well sell them on if they become overly agressive. Its a good idea.

re. Clowns, I currently have only 3cm ones, and my new tank will be 4ft so when they outgrow that, the plan is to get a 6ft tank from a friend (6ft x 3ft x 4ft). From the research i did, they generally don't grow over 20cm except in extreme cases. Clearly the fish in those images are well over 20cm but if mine were to grow that big, i would be very happy. I would ensure they have ample swimming room as they grow, and ideal water conditions.

Thanks again guys! :D

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I wouldn't have clown loaches in a planted tank, not after they get to a decent size anyway. I tried to plant out my dad's tank once, nothing stayed rooted very long. With his though it was a combo of loaches and a lot of very large adult sized bristlenoses.

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Hmm.. My BN is still only about 5cm and the Clown's are roughly the same, do you think some 30cm+ Amazon Swords & Java Fern would be ok? They havn't taken any interest in the two Amazon Swords i have in there..... Yet! :blink:

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