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What a mess!

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I filled my new tank last night. :cheer:

It's a mess. A cloudy, dirty mess. :((

I am using the Richgro Aquatic Mix which has been washed and washed and washed until the water was really clear.

I have black gravel on top of this which has also been rinsed until clear. I also have some larger rocks which has been scrubbed clean.

I filled the tank by spraying the water over the top of one of the larger rocks so I wouldn't disturb the subtrate and filled it really slowly.

All I'm left with is muddy water. I read that the Richgro can do this if not rinsed off well but I did clean it really well. I almost drained my water tanks dry!

Please tell me that this will clear up quickly. :((

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Won't help you this time but next time... put a bucket of water above the tank (top of a ladder or something) and siphon it into the tank using air line hose - hardly ever makes the tank cloudy this way as its such a slow fill....

Your tank will settle but sometimes can take a few days .... depending on your filter type it may help filter out some fine particles if it has fine sponges or filter pads....

Won't be long and you'll have us all envious of your nice new tank!!! :)

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It got the better of me and I decided to drain the entire tank :eek: and refilling it.

Prior to refilling it, I rinsed all of the filters.

The water looks MUCH better!! :cheer: I also did some research and used a product called Magic Clear. I really don't want to get into the habit of relying on chemicals and products like this, but I thought I'd give it a try. There aren't any fish in the tank yet which made me feel better about using it. it's meant to bind the particles in the water so that the filter and substrate can catch them. But you guys probably already knew that. B)

It's looking good!

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Pictures? Sure!

This is the night I filled the tank and lost heart in the whole fish keeping/tank thing. :(


Then last night after draining the tank then adding Magic Clear. :D


And look what I have woken up to this morning. :cheer:


The tank is now cycling.

Woo Hoo!


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Umm... My tanks have often looked like the first pic when I first set them up. It would have cleared up after a few days. I haven't used Richgro but I don't normally wash my gravel. The finer particles are beneficial for root growth. Indeed I usually add a layer of clay. Spraying the gravel with water from a spray bottle as you're building up the landscape will help reduce the immediate cloudiness.

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Looking good so far, cant wait to see it all planted up :) Glad the cloudiness has settled.

What look are you going to aim for? Jungle.... ? :)

LOL. I am supposed to have a 'look'? B) I really have no idea. I'm just throwing stuff in there as I get it. But having said that, I really would like to keep my Gold Vine Driftwood the main feature because I love it so much. It hasn't even leached anything into the water. I only soaked it overnight. I do have another piece of darker normal driftwood cooking in the crockpot and it is leaching out lots of tannins.

I guess my aquarium will just grow as I play around with it. I'm not that creative with this stuff. LOL. :lol:


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Haha, yes, a look, like when your trying a new look for your hair, I am no good at that...

I have a simular piece of Gold Vine Driftwood in a simular possition, from Coburg Aquarium :)

Maybe start a new Topic with the progress of your tank set up (unless you already have)? I am looking forward to it, just as exciting as setting up my own tank, keep the pics coming :)

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