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Happy Betta's at my local LFS


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It breaks my heart to see such beautiful creatures in those little cubes or jars at the pet shops.

Then I headed to a chain petstore and I actually noticed they had male Betta's living in community tanks with other suitable fish! I can't tell you the smile and warm glow this gave me. I even mentioned to the sales staff that I was so very supportive of their housing methods. They will get my business again, just for this simple reason.

I then headed to another petshop down the road from this one to find their beautiful Betta's in jars. :( Tiny jars. Hardly any room for the poor fish to even turn around.

The fish in the 1st shop looked happy. Yes, they looked happy swimming amongst their tank mates. The fish in the 2nd store looked miserable. Lifeless.

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One of my favourite LFS stores, a big name chain store as well, has the bettas in their own little setup, sort of like a aqua one barracks, but larger and set in a sort of stair-case shape :) Its really good, nice to see bettas in heated AND filtered tanks :D And its also amazing that the workers there are very friendly and helpful :)

It makes me feel less guilty spending so much when it goes to such a nice store :P

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A couple of local pet shops have bettas in with other fish in 2 foot tanks. I love walking into these shops to see them swiming around happily! One of these shops has them in jars aswel as in the big tanks and I asked why they all wernt in the tanks as there were enough big tanks for all the males in the jars and they said people dont see them and buy them when they are in the big tanks :( I would have suggested to them to put up a big sign advertising the fighting fish but thought I wont bother :( At a few other stores, they have heated and filterd barracks whick seem ok. There is another shop who has them in the big tanks but they have 2 betta males in small display cubes. The new worker at that store said she didnt like it either and will ask the boss if she can put them in to the bigger tanks :) There is one pet shop chain in particular that I am very annoyed with who sell the smallest of bowls and keep them in these tiny bowls, smaller then the jars in the other store. I wish the RSPCA could do something as it is so wrong, and the amount of bettas with fin rot is unbelievable!

Rant over, lol!

I have my blue VT male in a 120 L tank at the moment, he is so happy!

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If I was your blue VT male....

I'd be a lot Happier if you gave me a Heavily planted 10 litre tank.....and let me share it with a girl betta....

I'd only need a few days B)

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Those of you who have issues with the care provided to bettas at LFS can help campaign for better conditions.

Try printing up the Fact Sheet and Care Guide Wayne and I published (its pinned somewhere here at AAQ), and see if the LFS that have bettas housed well will distribute it to their customers. It will net them better business, because a customer who buys a decent sized tank/heater/filter for their new betta is worth a lot more to them than one who buys 5 replacement $6 bettas, kills them all in a 1L vase they got at the $2 shop, then gives up... ;)

The better informed folks get, the less they'll believe the nonsense about buffalo prints, and the less inclined they will be to deal with the LFS who spout it.

LOL @ Rod, BTW. My bettas are all pretty happy in such accommodations as you describe ;)

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Hahaha Rod, I agree! He has been kicked out of that tank now into a smaller planted tank ;)

I think that is a great idea about the fact sheet. I have often gone into pet shops and asked if they know anything about a particular fish or if they have a fact sheet and they know nothing! I mean, why do they sell something they know nothing about :confused: beats me :(

Saw some male bettas in with the gold fish today...

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