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Setting up a 2ft community tank


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Ok I have to admit Bettarazzi's comment gave me an idea and I've been working on the set up and will be changing it a fair bit.

I'll be coming home with a bucketload of plants tomorrow and will be getting a large amount of ghost shrimp on the weekend to help with the algae... Yeah, I'm aware what will happen to a fair few of them but I'm hoping with the plant coverage and sheer numbers I'll be able to keep population up.

I also plan on ordering quite a few plants/fish from livefish.com.au too :) more Ember tetra, sparkling gouramis and anything else that happens to catch my eye next week, haha. They seem to only have male coral blue Gouramis as well which is disappointing. Possibly Pakistani loaches (cause they're cool and I have been seeing a couple of snails around.. no where near what I would call a snail explosion like I have had in the past but any snails is too many snails IMO! I'm also looking around for Corydora Habrosus but haven't had much luck. (If you are selling some or know of a LFS in Sydney/Parramatta area with them, please post or PM me!)

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Okaaay so I didn't come home with a bucketload of plants.. Not once I saw there were Ember tetra back in stock and bought 6 of them, 4 Pakistani loaches and 4 Sparkling Gouramis. I could easily go for 20 Ember Tetra in there and I'm thinking I will actually go ahead and get another 8 anyway.. Have you noticed I really, really like them? :) I really wanted Serpae tetra too but they only had 2 short fins.. They had the long fins but they looked all chewed up. I'll see if the site has them, if not I'll have to wait.

My shrimp tank is full of plants now though.. Will be ordering plants ASAP for the community tank. :P I did get a few.. Mayaca and Red tiger lotus (super pretty, let's hope I can grow it!). For the shrimp tank I just got a couple of crypts, java moss, java fern, green rotala.. There's already riccia, temple and peacock moss and a small amount of cardamine in there as well.

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Grumble grumble.. Sick and exhausted but have had to do a big water change on the tank. No idea what's wrong with it as everything tests fine.. Two days ago found my male Blue Ram with pop eye and gasping, and one dead Ember tetra.. Found my Ram dead this morning so I did a 30% change. Rest of the fish seem fine but meh. I've been adding small numbers of Ghost/Glass shrimp over a few days so perhaps they had something to do with it. I dunno. They seem fine.

Also got my Shrimp tank up and running. The guy gave me extra Red cherries, approx 30. I lost two (that I know of..) and I've got my red gold HM in there, he certainly looks like he's eaten one or two as well. There's about half a dozen Glass shrimp in there too.

I've got bucketloads of green hygro in there to deal with the increased bioload.. I'm debating what I want to do with this tank. I'm very tempted to completely take the top off (it's an all-in-one tank that was a POC, the filter died on me and so did the heater) and keep it an open top tank with T5s over it.


There's Riccia tied onto driftwood (haphazardly) and some floating, java moss thrown around, Java fern just wedged into an empty spot, peacock moss tied onto another bit of driftwood, a couple of Crypts, some Temple, Frogbit and Green Hygro.

Light isn't strong enough (I'm trying to find a replacement bulb, ugh!) so I've got the tank light on and 2 lamps aimed in it. I did have some pearling going on the other day but haven't had any since. Grumble.

Didn't think the Shrimp tank (nor it's photos) was deserving of it's own thread, lol.

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Hehe, Thanks. Though that's no longer a 2', I had to move over to a 30 inch tank when my 2ft cracked completely.

Soo a few tank updates.

Lost my Orange Dragon in an accident. Got very upset about it and went and paid for one I saw in one of someone's vids, along with a girl to hopefully suit. He hasn't come yet.

Just realized I hadn't updated the live stock for a while.. So here's a new list.

Ember tetra x 12 (I think.. lol I know I lost one but I don't know if I bought enough to make up for that one I lost or if that happened after I bought the new lot.. eegads)

Blue Ram x 1 (female)

Honey Gourami x 2

Sparkling Gourami x 4

Otocinclus 'German' x 4

Pygmy Cory x 4

Croaking Gourami x 1

Pakistani Loaches x 4

Serpae Tetra x 8

Ghost Shrimp x ... I don't know. :lol:

I sure ruined the look of 'small' fish by getting the Croaking Gourami and the Serpae but hey, I wanted them. I got them. :P Although I now feel I should of gone for 6 Serpae. Oh well.

I've been battling 'just barely there' algae problems as well as nutrient deficiencies in my plants so the tank doesn't look as good as it did, I still can't get that look back. Having issues finding plants to suit as well as just not having enough time to really bring myself to care a whole lot any more. The fish look pretty, they are healthy (except for the mysterious death of the male Ram) so I am (kinda) happy.

Hmm, comments on the live stock?

Loaches - I love my loaches, they are just awesome fish. They demolish food in lightning speed. They are taking care of the few snails that turn up. They are just non-stop busy 'little' critters.

Ghost Shrimp - Pretty cool. I like watching them swim, haha.

Blue Ram - Female has come back to full colour and looking healthier than ever before. I suppose it's because she hasn't got the male in there harassing her to spawn.

Cories - Mostly inactive and.. kinda boring now. :( Maybe I need to up the numbers in there, but if I do and they continue to be boring, well that's just going to annoy me, lol

Gouramis - Honeys are pretty little things, very cute. Mostly hang out in the plants, especially the floating ones. Riccia, frog bit, plants that have just been pulled out by the busy nature of the loaches.. Sparkling Gouramis are super cute, colouring up really nicely. There is a bit of chasing but heaps of hiding spots. Croaking Gourami is plainly coloured still but is certainly a lot happier now in my tank than 'she' was in the LFS where she did nothing but hide in the corner. I'm hoping she will colour up as she gets more settled.

Tetra - Awesome in general. :)

Otos - Big lazy pigs, haha. They're as piggish as the loaches, just not as active.

Cookies (and pics) to anyone who bothered to read through my babbling. :P Sorry for the poor quality. Haven't gotten around to camera shopping ( :( )





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