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New Fish Arrived!


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They are so small!! Its been a while since I have bought new fish and I completely forgot how small they are to begin with! Make mine look like monsters!

They are a beautiful yellow halfmoon pair and arrived very fit, actually I am surprised they travelled so well I was expecting beaten up fish! Though they were packed very well.

Here they are the female sure has a bit of attitude in person


sorry but I have forgot what tabs I need for links?? SORRY

And of course a huge thatnk you to someone I was really glad to have someone friendly to walk me through the process and deal with my seemingly endless amounts of emails.

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Thanks! I love them, I was going to attempt to put the female in a community setting but I like her so much she might get her own tank like the boys!

I decided to call the male Pacman, thats all I can think of when this great yellow circle coming for food nom nom... And the female is called Doris (Day) becuase she is so bright blonde and is sassy as

So many many questions will come when I try and breed them (if)

Ahh Im just so happy with them! :bighug:

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most of the bettas are around 4-5 months when they arrive - so still quite young. They tend to reach full body and fin size around 8 months. Some strains are stockier than others.

Good to hear they arrived ok. Make sure to flare the male every day to keep his tail in good form.

Cheers, someone

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