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What defines a dragon?

Guest delerious

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Guest delerious

Just wondering what they are? It seems that all the different fin types can be dragon? ie HM dragon, Plakat dragon and so forth. I haven't managed to deduce what makes a betta a dragon?

Thanks :photo:

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Yes, a dragon can be a betta of any fin type, male or female. The key feature that makes a dragon is the "finish" on the scales. The dragon scaling appears thick and heaped up. It appears gradually as a fish grows up.

I might be wrong, but, in addition to this, technically to be considered a dragon the finish needs to extend onto the face (so "full mask")... not 100% sure. Someone else might be able to help.

Do a quick search on aquabid for "dragon" in any of the betta categories and you'll get a feel for what they look like.

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Guest delerious

hmmm... the only thing thats making scales appear any different to me is if they're metalic :P lol I had a look at aquabid and one minute i think i can see it but then i find another example to compare with and no.... :(

Well i did have one success and fell in love with a fish! :D but I don't have a tank yet so can't buy him :(( lol

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