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Looking to divide tanks


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hey Guys

ok so i picked up 2 3ft fish tanks at a steal i might add even got all the bits to go with

Now im thinking the tanks are a little too big for just one betta per tank so im looking to create dividers just one down the middle so at least i can get me some more boys too add to this ever growing family!

Im just wonderng what material you guys think would probably be best to do this...........glass , perspex ????? im not quite sure. have found dividers on ebay but not sure how reliable they are?? And then theres the issuw

And filtration?

Have contacted a local aquarium - the guy basically told me to stick my bettas in jars and stick them in the tank - made me a little mad :photo:

Anyways any tips will be most helpful!

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Hello :photo:

I have a divided 2ft tank, I used plastic mesh (for crosstiching.. I bought mine at spotlight) for the dividers and held them in place with some poster hangers.. they look like this http://images.channeladvisor.com/Sell/SSPr...ages/3/9339.jpg you can get them at officeworks :) As for filtration I use a internal filter with a spraybar, so the water is going into each section :D So far Ive had no problems, and with each of my boys in almost 20l of water each, they seem happy :P

Your boys will be extremely happy with half a 3ft tank to themselves :) I personally would divide a 3ft into 4 sections for all your boys.. but thats just me :) Any chance I can get to add to my betta family Ill take :P

Good luck :)

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Hehe I thought of dividing it into 4 sections but felt like spoiling them a little but 3 sections is tempting........

I didnt think of mesh i think ill have to look into it........ unfortunatly i told a friend of mine and he has master plans apparently which are getting a little out of hand lol

How did you secure the mesh? I meant the mesh to the poster hangers?

I am worried about them seeing each other all the time though ... Do you have this problem??

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lolz :D

The poster hangers are like clips, you just slide the plastic mesh into them and they are quite secure, then just secure the poster hangers into the aquarium with silicone or something :photo:

Hmm, no problems really, they cant clearly see eachother, they do see a sort of 'dark fish-shaped blob' on the other side of the mesh, which gets them excited every now and then, but mostly my fish ignore eachother.. but that doesnt mean theyre desensitised, I can still get them to flare when I want :)

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Oh I definitely understand your frustration :) I find about 90% of aquariums Ive been tokeep the bettas in extreeemely bad conditions :)

Anyway, I got the idea for the dividers from this site http://blondebloggings.blogspot.com/2009/1...or-dummies.html :photo:

Heres my overall tank :)


Heres how 'see-through' the mesh it


Aaaaand here's a picture showing the spray bar across the top of my tank :D


I also have a 'bubble wall' that attaches to an air pump, but I dont always leave that on :)

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Guest delerious

ooow, I like it very much too so nice tank :( Think ill be stealing that design when i get that far myself :((

I have one silly question though, how do you let them see each other? lol Because if you lift up the plastic mesh they can not only see each other but also swim through no?

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Have contacted a local aquarium - the guy basically told me to stick my bettas in jars and stick them in the tank - made me a little mad

This is not an uncommon way of housing bettas, and it's not cruel if their space and water changes are adequate. Many of us have jarred individual bettas this way for quite some time, especially juveniles until they are big enough to move on. It helps avoid transmission of disease for bettas not to share water, too. I am impressed that the guy realised that having them in a heated tank was necessary!! (Assuming he meant 'float the jars in the tank, with the heater running').

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Oh no i completely understand that

What made me a little mad was i was trying to explain what i wanted to do with my setup and the guy simply suggested i stick a bunch of jars in the tank to solve the problem - in meaning a bunch of jars in a empty tank ( thats how he explained it)in mentioning a heater a little laugh followed - more so just the lack of understanding as to what i wanted to do thats all...............

I myself want to breed in the future so im sure i will be jarring along with the rest of u :(

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