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water treatments?


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Hey all

Ok so i have 3 brand new tanks 2x 3ft and one im not to sure about as it was given to me as a gift

anyways i have heaters , filters , gravel , decorations , lights etc but im unsure about water treatments and what i need to do with the water before i add my bettas :fish:

I dont want to stress my bettas out anymore than necessery or put them in untreated water so i was just wondering how you guys go about treating the water before the fish can finally settle into their new homes.

even if there is a list of stuff i should buy and do i would greatly appreciate it as i only want to make my little guys happy :(

Any advice is most welcome to this newbie :D

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Kudos to you for investigating this before adding fish!

You're going to keep bettas in a 3' tank?

There are some useful articles about the ammonia cycle at www.ausaqua.net

You need a good dechlorinator, Prime is a good one. I would also add Indian Almond Leaf or extract. Get an ammonia test kit and do water changes as necessary to keep ammonia levels at 0. OR do a fishless cycle beforehand.

Age the water (literally) for 24 hours before use, ideally with an airstone, or even better, use rain water.

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At the moment these are the only tanks i have and there will only be one betta in each ( obviously ) lol

Or should i be investing in a different size tank?

as i said i am very new at this and would like to get it right so any advice is most welcomed!

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Ahh yeah i thought they might appreciate the space :)

I do however have plans to possibly split the tanks maybe still considering the possibilty

But for now they can enjoy the room!

Thanks also fo the advice!

Also heard of stress coat? Wondering what thoughts on that is?

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You'll find the IAL in here in classifieds, either from Jeff & Wan or someone.

I have other fish in with all my Betta boys, in tanks ranging from 13L's to 25L's (a darn site smaller than yours) and they're as happy as Larry. There's quite a few suitable tank mates for Bettas, especially in tanks the size of yours :)

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OOhh wow ok

Im a little wary of putting other fish in with my boys lol mainly due to the fact im not 100% sure on what would be most suitable to be honest

Yeah i know its a little roomie lol but as i got the tanks for practically next to nothing i wasnt bout to pass them up as i am looking at splitting them as well but thats a whole new project all togeather though i will have to take plenty of pics once i am all set up :)

If you dont mind me asking to you have any tank mates for your bettas?

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It depends on the tank & the particular Boy concerned, but we have a Betta, 3 Molly's, 3 Platy's, 3 Cory's & 8 Neons (they're all in an 80L Hex together).

In my 20/26L tanks I'll pop in, say, 10 x Neons & a Betta, or, a Betta, a couple of Molly's & some albino Cory's. I have no troubles at all and none of my boys mind the albino Cory's which are fabulous little tank scavengers & funny as a fit to watch.

Oh, my boys also leave Mystery Snails well alone too, in fact they use them to lean all over, although one of my girlfriend's boys nipped at her snail's long antenna thingies.

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Smiles, no-one here minds questions :)

Yes I have anubias on diftwood, java fern I tied to wood, java moss tied on to rocks & am also trying some moss via attachment with silicone, subwassertang (my all time fave although it's so ruddy hard to keep it together as it has no roots) & other plants I bought from someone's shop that I can't remember the names of - plants & I don't get along so I never remember their names. Oh, and banana lillies, love them, they go mad & they're as cheap as chips too, usually around $1.50 ea & quickly become a pest that you have to pluck (they look like pretty water lily pads with dark maroon edges floating on the top of your tank).

Don't be too fussed with buying drift wood from local pet stores or aquariums, they can charge you $20 for a teeny, weeny piece, same goes for creek type larger rocks. Collect your own & then boil the bejeebers out of it at home to kill bugs. Most wood (drift & bog)will make your water a "tea" colour (same as IAL will) but not a bad thing at all for Betta's. If you run Seachem Purigen in your filter that'll clear the colour of the tank right up & "polish" your water to a gobsmacking level of stunningness.

Hurry up, we are waiting for photos lol!

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