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Check out my new tank


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That's one gorgeous looking tank!

I know people say Betta's aren't supposed to like current, light etc. but my boys all play in the strong current & bubbles & head into their caves when they're bored, or loll about on their Subwassertang pillows (who told me to get that plant, it's fantastic!).

I have 2 x strong internals in each tank atm, but and in the process of switching over to hang on filters (so I can use the small Purigen bags) & those tanks that already have the Aqua Clear 20's in, one is 18L & the other 25L, the Betta's are as calm & peaceful as can be.

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Indeed i did Lilli.

I suggest the use of a spong filter or corner filter instead of the han on.

Though is it possible to ease the flow of the hang on by adding more filter media. Im assuming that the more media the water must flow through then the slower the output, correct?

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trouble is, you don't want to run a sponge filter on a tank you're using CO2 on; it's pointless adding CO2 that's going to gas out via surface agitation.

I don't think that more media in a HOB slows the water flow, no. It just finds ways around the media, and can overflow and empty your tank (uncool).

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Hmm, most of my tanks also have a small AquarWorld (correct spelling) internal filter with a spray bar fitted (still in use during the swapping over to hang-on filters process to keep bacteria going) and the Betta boys just adore playing in the bubbles - these create very little current & only cost around $18 ea.

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