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anyone got rocks?


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Hi all,

I'm just wondering if anyone has some aquarium rocks for sale?

I'm setting up a 12l tank and im going for a iwagumi layout, ive searched my lfs but nothing only crappy pieces of driftwood and i even check out my back yard hoping theres some nice rocks laying around my fish pond i can steal but nothing,

so if any one has some rocks that might look good in a tank or even know of any websites to buy from please let me know



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I hear rivers and streams have the odd rock or two lying around on the place....cheap too! Thats where I get mine...although I don't live in Melbourne, so it's probably somewhat easier for me to get those sorts of things local...

EDIT: Just re-read your post. Since you are only setting up 12L, you won't need massive rocks...have a look alongside railway tracks. Decent, chuncky, fist sized rocks are often used to build up and level off the the rail lines. I got a huge pile of these to go in my DIY Barracks, and they are perfect. Just give them (or any rocks, for that matter) a good boiling before you use them...

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Rocks you want rocks

I have them coming up in my garden all the time(floaters)

are you going to the fish fair?

I can put some in the car for you.

I give the a boil before I put them in the tanks

give me an idea of size and I can have a look for you.

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When ever there is road building there are always a few rocks around.

Make sure that they are thoroughly washed though because the may contain chemicals.

The cost is very cheap.

Creeks are also another good spot.

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thanks ghengis, i didnt even figure to check out railways

i have a small creek behind my house and there were no nice rocks so then i checked out the railway and there were soo many nice rocks for a nano tank so im happy now and now ive just started to plant the HC cuba going in the tank which is a pain

thanks jo, i appreciate your help but im not going to the ff

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