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Gosh was I wrong. I thought that discus were peaceful fish that all lived in harmony. They are not much different than putting female bettas together. I bought 4 last weekend they settled in well but 1 was getting picked on very badly. The other 3 wouldn't allow him/her to feed and were biting him and banging their bodies up against him. He/she is the biggest. I thought I would add a couple more to see if the aggressive behaiour would ease on this poor fella, it did another was then picked on. It really is ugly seeing this behaviour. I know (hope) it will settle down once the pecking order is established. I have had to section off the abused fish I first had as he is in pretty bad shape.

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If you're planning to reintroduce the bullied one to the main tank you might consider getting some of those plastic tank dividers that you can insert in the tank itself. I think it helps if the other fish can see but not attack it.

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I did find some plastic mesh to section her off. She didn't apper to be very happy refusing to eat and eveytime the others came near her I coud tell she was deserate to get in with them. I left her in iso overnight then decided she was more stressed being locked up so I relased her. Added a good feed of tubifex worms and no worries, it was as if nothing had ever happened.. She is soooooo skinny but is now eating and even fighting for food and her colour is returning. She is a red melon and went white.

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