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Guppy Babies


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My guppy just gave birth and i dont know what to do! i have the breeding trap so the babies are safe from the mother but a theres only like 20 of them. is the mother done yet?! it took her all day and she only gave birth to like.. 25 or so baby guppies. Some of the guppies are like.. curled up into balls. are those still alive or should i just leave them alone??? i think my water is too dirty but i am afraid that if i changed the water my babies will die.. what should i do? do these babies need to be fed yet? i have artifical artemia for babies... apart from that.. how can i tell if the mother is done yet?? i need help asap :) or they g

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OK . Yes you do need to feed the babies ...a little 4 or 5 times a day. Your artemia is good and you can crush some flakes also.

She may only drop 20 if its her first birth.

Do you have another tank for her to go to? If you do ..put her in there.

She is probably done but she may still drop more so keep an eye on her ..if she does drop more just scoop them out and put them in with the rest.

I dont know about the ones that are curled up .mine swim from the word dot so if they are still curled up by now then Id say they are dead.

Let Mum have a rest away from the boy for a few days.

And finally you can carefully do a small water change and just make them bigger every day , make sure you age / condition your water first and check it is the same temp.

When syphoning do so into a clear bucket if you can as its very easy to suck up some fry.

OK Michael hope this helps .Congrats on your babies and have fun watching them grow.

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My guppy just gave birth and i dont know what to do! i have the breeding trap so the babies are safe from the mother but a theres only like 20 of them. is the mother done yet?! it took her all day and she only gave birth to like.. 25 or so baby guppies. Some of the guppies are like.. curled up into balls. are those still alive or should i just leave them alone??? i think my water is too dirty but i am afraid that if i changed the water my babies will die.. what should i do? do these babies need to be fed yet? i have artifical artemia for babies... apart from that.. how can i tell if the mother is done yet?? i need help asap :lol: or they g

Well a few days have passed how is your babies going now?

I think I remember reading something about the babies before they are born that they were doubled over (head to tail) but when they are born they straighten up and swim away.

I too have just started with breeding guppies.

About 3 weeks ago one fish had 30 babies. I think it's the same one but yesterday she had about another 50. Like a machine.

I also have another prego female guppy and a bubble molly in the breeding tank

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Guppies can spawn multiple times from the one mating (up to three times I think) they have the capacity to store sperm. There are quite a few websites dedicated to guppies, try googling them.

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