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Hi guys! 

My interest in the hobby blossomed during the COVID lockdowns and I found out I had a passion for fish. I have an especially soft spot for bettas. I have two tanks running, one 52L and a 55L, and a 94L coming on my birthday in the next two weeks. I have planted tanks, one with otocinclus catfish and yellow cherry shrimp (I’m currently trying to find a betta breeder in Victoria, Australia to get a betta for that tank). The other tank has just been upgraded from a 20L and it has a male fancy double tail betta and some neon tetras. I’ve really loved the hobby and would like to make some more connections within it! 

also again if anyone knows a good betta breeder in Melbourne, Victoria, i would love to hear about it! 

thanks for reading!

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Hi there Trashlass. Welcome to the forum. I think I saw in the Melbourne Betta Breeders group on Facebook that a couple people had spawns. The problem is you have to be careful how you ask on Facebook because talking about buying or selling live animals wil cause the group to be shutdown. You could try sending individuals a private message. 

I saw a beautiful little white halfmoon male at Amazing Amazon on the weekend. It’s worth scouring the shops. You never know what gems you might find.  What colours and tail types are you particularly fond of?

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Thanks bettarazzi!

that’s a great heads up, I don’t have a Facebook so I’m guessing they don’t have websites where they list their little babies for people to see outside of Facebook hey? I might just need to make a Facebook page 😅 

I love female koi half moon in particular, but I think any little lady with a spunky personality suits me. 
if you could recommend some good pet shops I would appreciate it! I’ve seen too many bettas in awful conditions around Melbourne and I don’t want to support those businesses 

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Congrats on no Facebook. You’re not  missing much. As I said they can’t openly sell fish on Facebook so it’s not always clear who’s got fish available. Definitely not like they put up a list. 
I'm really only familiar with the shops near me, which are Amazing Amazon in Glen Waverley and Hi Fin Aquarium in Mount Waverley. Both look after their bettas well. They’re in decent sized tanks with filtration. But just because the bettas are in cups doesn’t necessarily mean they have a terrible life. Shops with really high turnover might only have the bettas for a short time before sale. For me there needs to be a few more black marks than that. BUT that’s not to say that there aren’t  rather too many shops not looking after their fish well. 
I will yell out if I see any koi females. 

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