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Interesting kickstarter find

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I've taken a break from owning fish for a while now.

I recently started looking at fish tanks setups recently ( spurred on by some ADA pics ;) )

I found this brine shrimp hatching kit on kick starter and I remembered that brine shrimp were a staple food source for my fish.


As I lack the experience is hatching brine shrimp , I wanted to know if this was a good (ease of use and cost ) setup.

Any thoughts would be appreciated


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I like the look of the stand but that's essentially all it is. It's a stand for holding your brine shrimp bottle upright. And the useful other element you get is the special bottle cap with a tube attached to it. This kit will be good for anyone new to hatching brine shrimp who isn't handy enough to DIY their own bottle cap and bottle stand. If you buy it will you be able to hatch brine shrimp? Yes but make sure you also supply heat and light. Is it a useful addition to the hobby? Well there are other hatcheries available which are proper hatcheries not just a stand and bottle cap. Indeed there already is a similar one which is a bottle cap and stand that is more compact. Should a newbie buy it? Yes, if you don't want to DIY. But DIY would cost you next to nothing.

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