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BBS question


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I have one 12 day old fry. If I do fresh BBS, is it ok to store most of it in the fridge? Fry isn't going to each much so was just wondering if it's ok to fridge some & freeze some? Was hoping to do another spawn soon but have 12 boys to sell still.

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In theory, freezing is supposed to be okay - I've got an ice cube tray of them in there now in case of emergencies - but I've never had to use them so I'm not sure how they go. I have used frozen BBS brought from the shop in the past and that was okay but it does sink straight to the bottom so I'd be worried about the same issues you could get from MW on the bottom - no evidence of this but I'd still be worried.

You could always setup something like this: http://www.ausaqua.net/index.php/topic/15430-easiest-bbs-ever/

Just put a very small amount of eggs in each 'hatchery' - it would probably do you for a couple of days, and it wont be a huge wastage factor. You'll be able to judge how much to put in each cup by the end of the first week :)

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