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Judges: Hermanus Haryanto (Head Judge), Todd Knight

Stewards: someone Lea Matheson (Head Steward), Jarrod Nielsen, Peter Kann

Show Chair: someone Lea Matheson

Entry Fees

Entry fees for the show will be $3 for Betta Australis club members $5 for non-members (Pairs count as one entry)

Entry deadline

All entries and accompanying show fees must be submitted by no later than Thursday October 10, 2013 contact enquiries@bettaaustralis.com with any questions.

Australian Entries

All Australian entries that cannot bench in their fish in person, may send their fish to the show via mail, courier or QANTAS freight. Entries must arrive between Thursday 17th October and Friday 18th October only. If shipping/dropping fish off, please ensure fish arrive on those days only. Must be before 1pm on the Friday. If you require your fish to be returned after the show, fill in the appropriate section on the entry form. If you wish to sell your entries after the show, fill in the appropriate section on the entry form. Please note there is a 20% commission on all fish sold. For further details, contact enquiries@bettaaustralis.com

International Entries

Arrangements can be made for International entries. Please contact the show chair for further details someone@gmail.com

Please note – International entries cannot be returned, but can be sold. There is a 20% commission on all fish sold.


You must be a member of the IBC (International Betta Congress) to show in Group A: Regular Classes (with the exception of Divisions “F” and “G”) Non IBC members may show in Division F: Wild Type Pairs, Division G: Arts and Crafts (Optional) and Group B: New Breeder Classes.


Prizes for the show will be -

GROUP A: Regular Classes

Division A: Halfmoon Singletail

A1. Dark Solid Colour STM

A2. Iridescent Dark Solid Colour STM

A3. Light Solid Colour STM

A4. Bicolour and Patterned STM

A5. Metallic Solid Colour STM (dark and light)

A6. Solid Colour STF

A7. Bicolour and Patterned STF

Division B: Halfmoon Doubletail

B1. Solid Colour DTM

B2. Bicolour and Patterned DTM

B3. Doubletail Female (all colours/patterns)

Division C: Crowntail

C1. Solid Colour CTM

C2. Bicolour and Patterned CTM

C3. Crowntail Female (all colours/patterns)

Division D: Shortfin

D1. Dark Solid Colour Show Plakat STM

D2. Iridescent Dark Solid Colour Show Plakat STM

D3. Light Solid Colour Show Plakat STM

D4. Bicolour and Patterned Show Plakat STM

D5. Metallic Solid Show Plakat STM

D6. Giant Show Plakat STM (TRIAL CLASS)

D7. Solid Colour Show Plakat STF

D8. Bicolour and Patterned Show Plakat STF

D9. Giant Show Plakat STF (TRIAL CLASS)

Division Awards: Best of Variety Male – Trophy & Certificate + Sponsor gift

Best of Variety Female – Trophy & Certificate + Sponsor gift

Class Awards : First – Certificate

Second – Certificate

Third – Certificate

Division A-D Winners compete for BOS & RBOS

BOS Male - $100 Prizemoney, Trophy (Platter), Certificate

RBOS Male - $50 Prizemoney, Trophy (Platter), Certificate

BOS Female - $100 Prizemoney, Trophy (Platter), Certificate

RBOS Male - $50 Prizemoney, Trophy (Platter), Certificate

Division E: Breeders Division

E1. Colour and Form Variations

E2. Form and Finnage

E3. Pairs

Division F: Wild Type Betta Pairs

F1. Bubblenesters – small

F2. Bubblenesters – medium/large

F3. Mouthbrooders – small

F4. Mouthbrooders – medium/large

Division G: Arts and Crafts (Optional)

G1. Photography

G2. Illustration

G3. Crafts

Division H: Temporary Classes

H1. Traditional Plakat Male

H2. Halfmoon Shortfin Male

H3. Doubletail Plakat Male

H4. Female (H1-H3)

Division Awards: Winners from Division E & H compete against Division A – D (according to tail type) for Best of Variety Male and Best of Variety Female

Best of Division (Divisions F & G only) – Trophy & Certificate + Sponsor Gift (Division F & G do not accrue IBC show points)

Class Awards : First – Certificate

Second – Certificate

Third – Certificate

Divisions “F” and “G” are not eligible to compete for BOV, BOS or RBOS

GROUP B: New Breeder Classes

NB1. Singletail Male

NB2. Doubletail Male

NB3. Crowntail Male

NB4. Shortfin Male

NB5. Singletail Female

NB6. Doubletail Female

Class Awards : First – Certificate

Second – Certificate

Third – Certificate

Group B Winners compete for Group B: New Breeder Classes BOS & RBOS

BOS Male - $50 Prizemoney, Trophy (Platter), Certificate

BOS Female - $50 Prizemoney, Trophy (Platter), Certificate

RBOS Male - $25 Prizemoney, Trophy (Platter), Certificate

RBOS Female - $25 Prizemoney, Trophy (Platter), Certificate

Not eligible to compete for BOS and RBOS (Group A)


Schedule (Times may vary closer to show date, go to www.bettaaustralis.com for up to date details)

Friday 18th October (times to be confirmed) – Benching in

Saturday 19th October (Morning - times to be confirmed) – Benching in

Saturday 19th October (Late morning – afternoon – times to be confirmed) – Judging

Saturday 19th October (5pm approx.) – Trophy Presentation

Saturday 19th October (6pm approx) – Club BBQ

Saturday 19th October (7pm approx) – Hermanus Haryanto talk: Wild Bettas

Sunday 20th October (6am – 12pm) – Betta Show “Public Day” & Caboolture Markets

Sunday 20th October (12pm – 4pm approx) – Bench out

Sales (Details may vary closer to show date. Go to www.bettaaustralis.com for up to date details)

For this show, the IBC has granted Betta Australis permission to sell fish that entrants nominate for sale, rather than the usual end of show auction. During the show, stewards will have a book available to record expressions of interest for fish available for sale. Please note, there will be a 20% commission on all fish sold.

Sale times

After 12pm Sunday 20th October. Pickups between 12 – 2pm Sunday 20th October, or by arrangement.

**The Betta Australis Livebearer Interest Group will be holding a Fancy Guppy show alongside the IBC International Betta Show. Judge and prizes to be announced**

More details as they come to hand.

Hope to see you at the Show!!

Jarrod Nielsen

Secretary, Betta Australis

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I'm so excited about this show - I wanted to come up but I'm a bit poor for that.

However I will be sending up some fishy ambassadors! I have some spawns that have been cooking away quietly and a few imports that will make it if their all still in-tact by show date.

Any other Melbourne entrants interested in showing too?

(I'll ask around) it would probably be best if we sent a box up by courier.

S'gunna be great!

Thriving show scene, weren't we just dreaming about this same time last year!


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