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Filter Shrimp in Australia

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When living overseas I used to I used have these 2 species

-Bamboo shrimp

-African fan shrimp



They were really cool to have as they were large but didn't eat or harm fish, and due to the size they did not get eaten by fish. They just climbed up the plants and positioned themselves right in front of the power head looking a little like a dog with its head out the window.

I was wondering if you can get get them in Australia? Are they legal here? Or are there any other similar species in Aus? I've got CRS and RCS but they're just not as good a mix in community tanks

Edited by MelbourneGlobal
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I searched on http://www.premierpet.com.au which apparently according to some forums have all Bayfish stuff listed. But no luck.

I did find these cute little guys on LiveFish but would have to only stock with speedy tetra and wait till they are in stock.


If there is another out there (QLD,NSW,VIC) who finds any let me know....

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Australian native riffle shrimp are good filter feeders. They grow between 2cm and 3cm TL, and don't have pincers, but rather fan like claws that they use to filter stuff from the water column. I've kept them with Apistogramma species and wild type Splendens species no worries. They do prefer cooler temps, but can handle high 20's and low 30's celsius.

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