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Old betta with weird fins


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My oldest betta (about 2 years old) has something wrong with his fins. He is a veil tail and his fins used to be long and flowy, now they kinda look like they are clamped/melted and stiff. He still swims fine and eats fine but it looks odd. He lives in a 2ft community tank with tetras and corys and they are all perfectly healthy. Any ideas?

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it sounds like fin melt to me, remove and medicate the fish ASAP! it will keep getting worse and worse, check out the other topics in the clinic about fin melt, fin rot, itll have alot of helpful hints to save your gorgeous boy :)

Love Kat

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On the main page, up the top right corner there is a search feature.

search fin melt for different medications.

you definately need to get your boy into a separate small tank with no pebbles, or filter to medicate, and have his water heated.

don not medicate in the community tank.

if you can find some, put a bit of Indian almond leaf and aquarium salt (or non iodised salt) in with him.

npy 100% sure of how much, I would look it up for you, but I sm at work atm and am only on my phone..

good luck!!

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