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Hello from a newbie


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My name is Mike and it is nice to meet you all.

Like others, a few gold fish were given to me as birthday present. It was enough for me to become a fish crazy!

Then I moved into tropical community tank (yes tetras, all sort of tetras), discus, and african cichilds (all three lakes).

In 1999, I moved into salt water (yes dark side :) and have been a happy hobbyist so far.

I am planning to have a betta tank on my office desk and I would like to get help. Ausaqua has been recommended by others on the web.

Therefore I am here and say hello to every one.



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Hi Mike,

there's a few hot tips about keeping betta here - the basics are covered on the Victoria Betta Website.

Also look into the forum threads on here for care instructions

I found the little Dymax IQ3 were a good size, you could fit a heater in the back, and the filtration was... well.. it was okay... water changes every 2 weeks was fine for one fish.


So good luck - don't get a tiny vase, and welcome to the forum

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