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Just wondering if u can breed a normal fighter with a female ct?

And I was wondering my normal fight does nuthin and he doesn't blow bubble or even fight with the females does it mean he is sick? I can post a pic if u need me to cant ATM on the iPad

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How To Spawn ?

In each section there are pinned threads towards the top. These pinned threads contain a lot of the answers to many questions a new member to the hobby may have.

I suggest you separate your male bettas, so each has it's own tank. And read as many of the pinned threads over the next couple of days as you can.

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Yeah, you just cut a square of it (I use 10cm x 10cm) and place that bubbles down and floating in the tank. Male sure that you don't get water on top of it as it might sink, that's very rare though and I've never had it happen.

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Many people actually put live plants- such as java fern. It's really easy to keep, doesn't need substrate (suits a bare bottom breeding set up) and I'm almost positive someone sells it. It's pretty easy to find otherwise. Look into it, some little organisms will grow around it because they eat it and really small betta fry will eat them. It's also pretty cheap, so might be a good idea to invest in it :) Live plants are better then fake IMO but to answer your question, you can have plants in it.

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