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newbie CT breeder


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hi im from the gold coast and im a new time crown tail breeder and would like any tips on how to make the male blow heaps of bubbles and be about to tell when the female is ready for it.thanks to anyone that comments =]

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Hello Tehengo! :)

I'm a begginner myself, so I most certainly don't have any expert advice for you, but I'll tell you what I've in turn been told.

Having 'sticky' water helps the males bubble nest stay intact and prevents the bubbles popping. 'Sticky' water is generally achieved by having a reasonably dirty tank. This includes things like small ammounts decaying plant matter and all the usual natural grunk and grime of an uncleaned fish-tank. Do you use Indian Almond Leaf/Ketapang? This will also help with 'thickening' your water, and creates more of an ideal environment for your Betta. Some males will naturally blow more bubbles than others.

There are a few articles that contain information on how to tell if your female is ready, so I'll go find one or two of those. :D

I'm sure an expert will pop by soon- there are so many helpful members here, they've all been so great to me. :)


http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1689 <-- Here's a link to a good one. :D

Edited by Lilly
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G'day tehengo,

If you check out the Spawn Talk section of the forum, you'll find a few stickies that explain pretty much everything.

I hope you have enough spare tanks and a large tub or two. If you successfully spawn your pair, you'll soon need to house many juveniles individually.

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Hey there,

We'd love to see some photos of the lucky pair you hope to breed with - use the search function for spawn advice, there's plenty of articles and youtube channels on behavior and tips.

Indian Almond Leaf is your best friend, so is water quality, then spend some time working out the behavior of your fish, and you'll all be better off.

Best of luck.

(and welcome)


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thanks for the comments guys and yea lilly ive been using indina almond leaf in it and it has about 15cm of water and the females are in the same water as the male but the females are in a cage like thing in the water. thanks to all comment guys ill look into more =]!

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