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Male Gourami ?nesting behaviour


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My male blue Dwarf Gourami is behaving differently today. I just did a water change, and now he is rushing around, collecting little bits of java moss, duckweed and a few tufts of algae that were stuck to some driftwood. He is carefully placing these bits on the surface in the corner of the tank, although he isn't blowing any bubbles.

He is also a bit more territorial of this area today, especially towards the female, who he keeps shoo-ing away from his new crib. Usually he completely ignores her.

Is he starting to nest? If so, what should I expect / do.. Are gourami fry similar to betta fry - in terms of the intensive care they need (just in case I - or more importantly he - gets lucky!)

They are in a community tank with cardinals and guppies (and the inevitable guppy fry).

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If it were my tank, I would just leave them be, since it's a community tank...

Mine spawned in the heavy mat of plants I had floating on the surface of the tank, eggs everywhere, that just got eaten by the other fish...

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