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DIY photo boxes, another slap-dash production


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SlapDashProductions TM


D.I.Y Photo Tanks for Betta and whattevva.

Step one - Locate crappy 8 litre tank from Big W - approx. $30 ea


When I first got into betta I had 8 of these lined up with sponge filters in each - and heated with a thermal mat used for reptile tanks - while it was okay, the temp's fluctuated from 24-30 and water stability was too hard with weekly water changes.

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle d00dz

Step 2. Remove ugly lid - or keep it if your fish are of the jumping variety.


Step 3. Find a good sized mirror, preferably only thin to cover 1/4 or 1/3 of the overall length of the tank


Step 4. (I feel like new kids on the block) Adhere it all... I used masking tape cos I couldn't find anything else, oh - and I cleaned the tank and mirror (duh)



Step 5. FILL WITH WATER AND DONT GET THE PAPER WET - oh yeah, put paper BEHIND the mirror - the reason for this lovely flat background will become apparent in a momento (trus me)


The idea is that the fish will "pace" up and down the tank, flaring as it passes it's self and when he's in the position you want - SHOOT HIM !

Alternatives to the design are remove the mirror and use another fish in a beanie box or sommink.

WHATS AMAZING ABOUT THIS POST is that I only need one of these tanks - THERES MORE! (but wait)

I've got about 6 of these tanks to GIVE AWAY thats right GIVE AWAY.

I'll be bringing a selection of them to the ASV meet on the 29th - expressions of interest will help me work out how many to bring.

Oh - and they're designed to be used outside with el naturalo lighting for true colour kapture.

Results of the phototank as follows:

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